Monday, October 19, 2009

I did get Hordak if anyone cares...

-Yeah, I got Hordak. I learned that Mattycollector takes about a month to ship things to Canada. So I don't get panicked/frustrated anymore. My SDCC Ghostbusters Egon Spengler actually arrived in about 3 weeks, so maybe they are getting better...
-I've already sold Man-At-Arms. Made about 5 dollars profit.
-Other than She-Ra/Adora I've decided I won't be buying any more human or "Good Guys" (Well other than Orko)from the Masters of the Universe line. Actually, after March's Moss Man figure, there's very few characters I would actually want.
-I made a BIG mistake signing up for the 12 month subscription...Oh well. I'm sure I'll be able to make some decent cash off the exclusive Wun-Dar figure.

-I promise I'll actually commit to updating this blog at least once a month from now on. I'll been trying to clear out some of my various collections since I bought this a few months ago.

-The Treasure is actually allowing me to redo and have half the basement room for my office/Nostalgia room. But I've really got to get rid up some crap to set up a proper display (Anyone want some Austin Powers figures or Palisades Resevoir dogs?)
-My eBay sales have been going well, I've got some more posts to make about that. I'd like to clear $1000 to help pay for some new display shelves and a new Flat Screen for the basement Rec Room. I'm just over half way there now, and I've still got a TON of stuff that has to go.
I haven't even touched my Vinyl collection yet, that's a story/mission for another day.

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