I know a few of you are probably cringing at this sight right now, Well don't worry, this isn't how I store my Transformers for the long term. I had to brilliant idea at one point to take everything down off my shelves and shampoo the carpets while I was at it. At some point I came to realize that there was no point of putting everything back up when I was moving. I had layed everything CAREFULLY in a box for the time being and when I was repacking the figures for the big move, I noticed the figures were looking a little haggard and I snapped this shot considering there's about $300 worth of toys that look like they've been tossed in a cardboard box with little to no regard for their value.
Everything is now repacked with bubblewrap and paper. They are awaiting their new home.
well moving is moving lol, hoping they were fine when u got em out tho.