Monday, November 16, 2009

Scare Glow

I bought Scareglow today. Mattycollector was apparently having some glitches with their system, it didn't want to approve my credit card transaction.
After 45 minutes on the phone with both Mastercard and Mattycollector/Digital River and then creating a new account and using a another credit card I got Scareglow ordered.
I'm hoping this won't be an issue come December when Winston Zedmore is released.
I'm thinking my Masters of the Universe Subscription might get royally screwed as well.
That's Ninjor in the photo above. One of the few MOTU Classics figures I *REALLY* want them to release.
Way back in the day, My uncle had no children so he used to take my cousin and I to his work Christmas parties (not the one where you get drunk the one where you would take your kids and some poor sucker would dress up as Santa), one year we both got Masters of the Universe figures. He got Scareglow and I got Ninjor. It's one time in my life when I can remember being VERY jealous. Even then I knew the gifts were completely random. How the hell would someone know that I loved Skeletons at such a young age. Well it's about 20 years later and I'm finally getting Scareglow, I just hope Ninjor can join him soon. I really ended up loving Ninjor and his soft goods Ninja Outfit, but man how the hell do you compete with a glow in the dark Skeleton!

Must not buy toys...

It's really hard when you have a Paypal account overflowing with funds not to spend money on figures.

I just bought a new house. That money is for a new TV and shelves.

I don't need anymore Robots, yet I can't stay away from eBay.

eBay = Crack

And I'm a crackwhore!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not the way to treat expensive robots...

I know a few of you are probably cringing at this sight right now, Well don't worry, this isn't how I store my Transformers for the long term. I had to brilliant idea at one point to take everything down off my shelves and shampoo the carpets while I was at it. At some point I came to realize that there was no point of putting everything back up when I was moving. I had layed everything CAREFULLY in a box for the time being and when I was repacking the figures for the big move, I noticed the figures were looking a little haggard and I snapped this shot considering there's about $300 worth of toys that look like they've been tossed in a cardboard box with little to no regard for their value.
Everything is now repacked with bubblewrap and paper. They are awaiting their new home.

Found an old receipt...

While cleaning stuff out, I found this old receipt in a tote with my Star Wars collection (Ugh. what a waste of time and money, Can't wait to sell that crap off.)
Apparently on that day, I bought the tote, paint, sandpaper and bread. I wonder what I was working on. It's neat when you find a receipt almost 5 years old.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I did get Hordak if anyone cares...

-Yeah, I got Hordak. I learned that Mattycollector takes about a month to ship things to Canada. So I don't get panicked/frustrated anymore. My SDCC Ghostbusters Egon Spengler actually arrived in about 3 weeks, so maybe they are getting better...
-I've already sold Man-At-Arms. Made about 5 dollars profit.
-Other than She-Ra/Adora I've decided I won't be buying any more human or "Good Guys" (Well other than Orko)from the Masters of the Universe line. Actually, after March's Moss Man figure, there's very few characters I would actually want.
-I made a BIG mistake signing up for the 12 month subscription...Oh well. I'm sure I'll be able to make some decent cash off the exclusive Wun-Dar figure.

-I promise I'll actually commit to updating this blog at least once a month from now on. I'll been trying to clear out some of my various collections since I bought this a few months ago.

-The Treasure is actually allowing me to redo and have half the basement room for my office/Nostalgia room. But I've really got to get rid up some crap to set up a proper display (Anyone want some Austin Powers figures or Palisades Resevoir dogs?)
-My eBay sales have been going well, I've got some more posts to make about that. I'd like to clear $1000 to help pay for some new display shelves and a new Flat Screen for the basement Rec Room. I'm just over half way there now, and I've still got a TON of stuff that has to go.
I haven't even touched my Vinyl collection yet, that's a story/mission for another day.

Fucking Robots!

I just realized I spent about $257.79 on various Robots in about a month.

I should really ship my pile of loot from BBTS so I can sell a few things off.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Shitty times...

I ordered Man-at-Arms today....I have no clue why, I think mostly because I was bored at work.
My computer is acting up again.
Hordak still hasn't arrived.
Had to return a birthday gift for my better half before I even left the store because it wasn't compatible with Macs.
I only have two beers in the fridge.