Monday, May 18, 2009

I got nothing...

Well I just suck don’t I?

Seriously, I’ve got to start taking better care of my blogs. I always seem to start off strong and then forget to care for them, this could be the reason I was never allowed to have a dog growing up, it would have been run ragged for a week and then it would die of loneliness and starvation.

Anyways, it seems life has been pretty chaotic lately; my parents finally finished the renovations on the house and therefore I should get around to finishing some tasks that I have been avoiding for the last 3 months or so, using “I’ll do it when the renovations are done”. Well that time has come. Time to sort through even more of my Action figure collection and keep selling.

I’ve been selling on eBay like a Madman lately, and some of my auctions have been ending with some great prices, so I should be rolling in the dough correct? Nope.

The thing is with me and when I sell stuff on eBay, I’ve never been good with Translating Internet Money into real money. Right now I should be at about $700.00 or so, and right now I’m sitting at about $200.00. I realized this last night, and I’m currently in the process of fixing this.

Ian + A healthy Paypal account + Toy Addiction = Bad.

I’m in the process of flipping some of the Junk, mostly gay robots (Transformers) back on to eBay. I’ve had this problem for a long time, extra money burns a hole in my pocket and I tend to spend it the stupidest way possible.

Also, it probably didn’t help that I dropped just under $200 at the Gay Robot Convention (Tfcon)
**If any of the organizers of Tfcon are reading it, I don’t think any of you are gay or a lesser citizen for liking Transformers, I just think it’s a really funny name that I stole from the guy at when he refers to Botcon, because when you do think about it, it is pretty funny that there is a whole convention devoted to transforming toys from the 80’s that is mostly attended by 20-30 something year old men…myself included**

Don’t worry, there’s a whole other blog devoted to the Gay Robot Convention coming.

Anyways, other then spending my profit away, the eBay sales have been going pretty good. I’m only currently dealing with one douche who currently has a claim against me because he hasn’t bothered to pick up his package at the post office. That’s fine buddy, you wait…I have tracking, signature required AND seller protection…you won’t be scamming me.

Some of the crap I bought on eBay in the last few months

- DC Universe Flash and Hawkman
- Mezco Toy Fair 3.75 Jason Voorhees
- A Vintage M.U.S.C.L.E. Blister Pack
- Robot Heroes Snarl and Sharkticon
- Beast Wars Airazor
- Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Megatron
- Super Mario Bros 3. for NES
- A Shirt for Vacation
- 2 Vintage Toy Ghosts (More on these later)
- Japanese Beast Wars Quickstrike
- Super Go Bots Cy-Kill
- Masters of the Universe Classics Mer-Man

Other than the shirt I bought for Vacation and Super Mario Bros 3. Most of this stuff is pretty useless. Quite a bit of it is going right back on eBay in the next few days. I also discovered that a few figures in my collection that I have a passing interest in are going for quite a bit on the collectors market right now.


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